Amazon bans books that offer to help with unwanted same-sex desires

Petition to restore banned books on Amazon


Amazon bans books that offer to help with unwanted same-sex desires

Amazon bans books that offer to help with unwanted same-sex desires

79.286 signé. Atteignons 100.000!

On Friday, June 28, Amazon stopped selling books that describe methods to heal homosexuality or suppress unwanted same-sex desires.

Amazon censored the following titles, among others: 

  • "Heterosexuality: True Stories," by Mexican psychologist Everardo Martínez Macías
  • “A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality," by Joseph Nicolosi
  • "Healing Homosexuality," also by Nicolosi
  • "How a Gay Boy Became a Straight Man," the testimony of American David Robinson
  • “The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (self-) Therapy for Homosexuality,” by Gerard van den Aardweg

In all cases, the authors received a brief email informing them that they had violated Amazon's content policy. The content policy refers to the prohibition of pornography and other "inappropriate content." The authors weren't provided with any other details regarding their supposed violation. 

Everardo Martínez wrote an email asking for an explanation of how he had violated the content policies, but the response he received was vague and unspecific. 

Amazon sells books about how to commit suicide, books by Marquis de Sade who presented all priests as rapists and murderers, and books by Hitler, but they refuse to sell books that help people voluntarily stop unwanted same-sex attraction. 

Joseph Nicolosi's son, Joseph Nicolosi Jr., explained

On Amazon, you can buy almost any book written throughout human history—from the Bible to Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” or even a book glorifying pedophilia. 

As of last week, however, you cannot get any of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Sr.’s books about leaving homosexuality—because Amazon just banned them all. 

Why has Amazon suddenly implemented this unjustifiable censorship? Apparently, Amazon caved to a campaign on asking for the censorship of these books.

In an attempt to restore the distribution of these books and help individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, we must implement a strong counter-campaign.

Ideological censorship on the world's largest online sales platform should not be accepted. 

I encourage you to sign this petition to send a message to Amazon and demand that they restore the distribution of these censored books!

79.286 signé. Atteignons 100.000!

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Stop censoring books that help with unwanted same-sex attraction

Dear Amazon Consumer Service Department, 

I write with concern after learning about the censorship of several books dedicated to reversing unwanted same-sex attraction.

I explicitly refer to the following titles:

  • "Heterosexuality: True Stories," by Mexican psychologist Everardo Martínez Macías
  • “A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality," by Joseph Nicolosi
  • "Healing Homosexuality," also by Nicolosi
  • "How a Gay Boy Became a Straight Man," the testimony of American David Robinson
  • “The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (self-) Therapy for Homosexuality,” by Gerard van den Aardweg

I find it inconceivable that Amazon has censored these books for ideological and political reasons, yet has chosen to maintain manuals on how to commit suicide, Nazi propaganda by Hitler, and books supporting pedophilia.

The censored books are written by qualified professionals with years of experience in their field. They have helped many men and women heal unwanted same-sex attraction. 

Furthermore, these books are distributed normally in online libraries and on other platforms.

Censoring these books due to pressure from political lobbyist makes Amazon a puppet. Please do not violate freedom of expression. 

For these reasons, I ask you to immediately restore the distribution of these books.

[Votre Nom]

Stop censoring books that help with unwanted same-sex attraction

Dear Amazon Consumer Service Department, 

I write with concern after learning about the censorship of several books dedicated to reversing unwanted same-sex attraction.

I explicitly refer to the following titles:

  • "Heterosexuality: True Stories," by Mexican psychologist Everardo Martínez Macías
  • “A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality," by Joseph Nicolosi
  • "Healing Homosexuality," also by Nicolosi
  • "How a Gay Boy Became a Straight Man," the testimony of American David Robinson
  • “The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (self-) Therapy for Homosexuality,” by Gerard van den Aardweg

I find it inconceivable that Amazon has censored these books for ideological and political reasons, yet has chosen to maintain manuals on how to commit suicide, Nazi propaganda by Hitler, and books supporting pedophilia.

The censored books are written by qualified professionals with years of experience in their field. They have helped many men and women heal unwanted same-sex attraction. 

Furthermore, these books are distributed normally in online libraries and on other platforms.

Censoring these books due to pressure from political lobbyist makes Amazon a puppet. Please do not violate freedom of expression. 

For these reasons, I ask you to immediately restore the distribution of these books.

[Votre Nom]