Defend the Blessed Mother!



Defend the Blessed Mother!

Defend the Blessed Mother!

181,489 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

Riccardo Simonetti, who works as an "influencer" for the European Parliament and is a self-proclaimed "EU LGBTIQ Ambassador", mocks the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus. She poses as a transgender Virgin Mary with a beard on the cover of a German LGBTQ magazine. In his statements, he also seeks to ridicule Christianity and one of the most important people honored by Catholics - the Mother of God.

“If we ignore the fact that Jesus was not white, we might believe that the Virgin Mary had a beard, why not?” Simonetti wrote.

The entertainer Simonetti advocates in the European Parliament for more tolerance towards LGBTIQ people and acceptance of diversity. But there seems to be no tolerance or acceptance or openness towards Christians. On the contrary, it is becoming more and more acceptable and popular to humiliate the religious symbols of Christians and to attack religious grounds. Let us recall just one of the many cases of attacks on Christians. Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen is currently facing the threat of imprisonment for quoting a message to the Romans on her private Twitter account.

We are asking the EU to immediately stop all cooperation with Simonetti and publicly distance itself from Simonetti's provocations.

We want our society to remain a place that respects all its citizens equally!


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Stop the profanation of the Virgin Mary!

Dear David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament!  

Influencer Riccardo Simonetti, a self-proclaimed LGBTQ ambassador with whom the EP has a collaborative relationship, appeared on the cover of a German magazine, dressed as a bearded Virgin Mary with a toy doll. 

The majority of Europeans who defined themselves as Christians were offended by the influencer at the beginning of the church year, on the eve of one of our biggest Christian holidays. We will not tolerate this anymore!

We call on the European Parliament to publicly distance itself from the insult to tens of millions of Christians and to suspend all official and semi-official cooperation with Riccardo Simonetti!

[Your Name]

Stop the profanation of the Virgin Mary!

Dear David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament!  

Influencer Riccardo Simonetti, a self-proclaimed LGBTQ ambassador with whom the EP has a collaborative relationship, appeared on the cover of a German magazine, dressed as a bearded Virgin Mary with a toy doll. 

The majority of Europeans who defined themselves as Christians were offended by the influencer at the beginning of the church year, on the eve of one of our biggest Christian holidays. We will not tolerate this anymore!

We call on the European Parliament to publicly distance itself from the insult to tens of millions of Christians and to suspend all official and semi-official cooperation with Riccardo Simonetti!

[Your Name]