Venezuelans are dying. Sign now!



Venezuelans are dying. Sign now!


Venezuelans are dying. Sign now!

132,251 have signed.


On Thursday, September 27th, the UN Human Rights Council approved a resolution for the protection of Human Rights in Venezuela, something that has never happened before. There were only seven votes against it!

This means that the UN now recognizes the flagrant violations of Venezuelans' most basic rights and it is urging Maduro's regime to "accept humanitarian assistance in order to address the scarcity of food, medicine and medical supplies."

This is precisely what we had requested and, with your invaluable help, we have achieved it!

Rubén Navarro, a representative of CitizenGO, spoke to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva about our campaign.

We were also able to deliver more than 123,000 signatures from active citizens like you from around the world to the offices of Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and to Tedros Adhanom, General Director of the World Health Organization (WHO).

We were in contact with 16 member state representatives and we met formally with nine. The international community is really worried about the situation in Venezuela.

On August 20th we had convened a press conference with four exceptional witnesses of the situation suffered by the Venezuelan people: Patricia Carrera, president of LEAN Foundation and human rights activist; Carleth Morales, journalist; Carlos Moreno, brother of a murdered Green Helmet and Araminta González, who had been tortured for two years.

You can watch a video summary of the press conference here:

The event had a great impact and we reached dozens of national and international media outlets. Venezuela made the news again after months of complicit silence from the media.

We are excited to have helped hundreds of Venezuelans thanks to your collaboration with the shipment of 4,790 kilos of medicine. Almost five tons! It is very inspiring to see all the grateful children, families, and all kinds of people.

You can watch a video overview of our efforts here:


The Venezuelan people are dying due to a lack of medical treatment. This urgent petition asks the United Nations and the World Health Organization to create a humanitarian corridor to save the Venezuelan people.

The deadly Chávez regime has held power in Venezuela for 20 years. Now, the lethal regime has led to the total ruin of the country... a country with the largest reservoirs of oil on the planet!

All of this is thanks to Venezuela's nefarious administration, whose ideological basis is communism or 'the socialism of the 21st century'.

Who pays for the consequences for this disastrous regime? Not the leaders of the government, such as President Nicolás Maduro or well-known politician Diosdado Cabello, who have luxurious apartments in New York. And certainly not the daughter of Hugo Chávez, who has a fortune valued at 3.6 billion USD by Forbes.

Hugo Chávez's daughter has access to 3.6 billion dollars... and people in Venezuela are dying of hunger and suffering due to the lack of basic medical services! Venezuelans have to stand in long lines to get so much as a roll of toilet paper.

The situation is dangerous and unsustainable, but the international community has thus far remained idle. The humanitarian emergency in Venezuela is no longer making prime time news, and it has therefore fallen out of interest for international institutions.

Here are some important facts about the situation in Venezuela:

  • The average monthly salary in Venezuela is about 5,916,000 bolivares (Bs) or $34.30USD. Some of the medicines they need to import cost over $3,800USD.
  • In 88% of the hospitals, there are no drugs available. In 79%, there are no sanitary materials and water cuts are a constant occurrence.*
  • 30% of doctors with more than 30 years of experience, and 75% with ten years or less of experience, have left the country.*
  • 90% of treatments for diseases such as cancer, AIDS, or hemophilia are not available.
  • From January to May of this year, the price of drugs tripled from 1,000% to 3,000% of the cost before the crisis.**
  • Most importantly, 16,000 people are at risk of imminent death. The number increases every day.

With these facts in mind, we are asking the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to intercede and immediately create a humanitarian corridor to ensure the supply of medicine and basic sanitary material.

This must be done to save the people of Venezuela. The suffering and mistreatment of the Venezuelan people should be considered crimes against humanity.

Write to the United Nations and the World Health Organization to make them aware of the extremely delicate situation in Venezuela. Ask them to immediately establish a humanitarian corridor for the entry of medicines and sanitary material to help the battered population.

*Data from Médicos por la Salud

**Data from Federación Farmacéutica Venezolana (Fefarven)

132,251 have signed.

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Help Venezuela

Dear United Nations OCHA Under-Secretary-General Mark Lowcock and Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the dramatic turn of events in Venezuela over the last few months.

The United Nations and the World Health Organization must create a humanitarian corridor with the support of international forces and institutions. This would provide necessary relief to the Venezuelan people.

The Venezuelan people are being condemned to a slow and painful death. There is a shortage of medicine and sanitary material in hospitals, and there is an absolute lack of access to treatments for diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

All of this is due to Maduro’s regime. Despite the regime's complete inability to manage public resources, they refuse to accept international assistance so that those who are seriously ill can receive the treatments that they need.

Tens of thousands of people are at risk of imminent death. The rest of the population will be put at risk in the long term. More than 30 million innocent people, whose only offence is living under a murderous regime, are being sentenced to death.

Please create a humanitarian corridor to save the Venezuelan people. I ask you to adopt all necessary measures to make this corridor a reality.

Thank you for your help.

[Your Name]

Help Venezuela

Dear United Nations OCHA Under-Secretary-General Mark Lowcock and Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the dramatic turn of events in Venezuela over the last few months.

The United Nations and the World Health Organization must create a humanitarian corridor with the support of international forces and institutions. This would provide necessary relief to the Venezuelan people.

The Venezuelan people are being condemned to a slow and painful death. There is a shortage of medicine and sanitary material in hospitals, and there is an absolute lack of access to treatments for diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

All of this is due to Maduro’s regime. Despite the regime's complete inability to manage public resources, they refuse to accept international assistance so that those who are seriously ill can receive the treatments that they need.

Tens of thousands of people are at risk of imminent death. The rest of the population will be put at risk in the long term. More than 30 million innocent people, whose only offence is living under a murderous regime, are being sentenced to death.

Please create a humanitarian corridor to save the Venezuelan people. I ask you to adopt all necessary measures to make this corridor a reality.

Thank you for your help.

[Your Name]