Halt African governments from tainting Christian beliefs with the LGBT Agenda

U.S. Government


Halt African governments from tainting Christian beliefs with the LGBT Agenda

Halt African governments from tainting Christian beliefs with the LGBT Agenda

224.153 hebben getekend. Laten we streven naar 500.000!

Our right to express our Christian faith is at risk.

Every day, Christians are jeopardized for standing against LGBT or trans ideology, silenced on social media, or even barred from influencing the hypersexual education their children receive in schools.

Opposition to the teaching of radical gender ideology makes one a target, often branded as intolerant or extremist. Worse still, we face potential legal consequences—financial penalties or even imprisonment.

The 53rd UN Human Rights Council report warned that Christian beliefs violate LGBT rights and proposed that countries intervene in religious matters. 

CitizenGO is advocating the danger of these proposals for Christians, and our campaigns in the United States and worldwide garnered over half a million signatures in opposition thus far. 

However, the United States government has not answered you yet.

This silence is alarming as laws and policies silencing our voices proliferate.

Since its introduction at the UN Human Rights Council in June, the controversial report has made alarming progress, championed vigorously by the LGBT lobby. 

Its ramifications are palpably evident in the ongoing conflict between Christian rights and the LGBT agenda. 

Examples include the suspension of Tory councilor Lawal King in the UK for expressing his religious beliefs and the ongoing trial of Paivi Rasanen in Finland for publicly quoting a Bible verse. 

This summer in the U.S., we saw pastors Rich Penkoski in Oklahoma and Damon Atkins in Pennsylvania arrested for speaking out against the LGBT community.

Here in the States, like in many countries, Christian parents are rallying against the overt sexualization of their children in schools, enforced by the government to appease extreme demands of the LGBT and trans lobbies.

Our colleagues in the UK and Germany, Caroline Farrow and Eduard Prols, are already experiencing the fallout from laws favoring LGBTI and trans groups.

These are not isolated incidents but a growing trend. Christians' free speech is turned into a crime—labeled hate speech.

Alarmingly, the UN report is swiftly becoming a tool for the LGBT lobby to suppress and penalize Christians for voicing their beliefs.

It is imperative that we counteract this proposal before its repercussions become irreversible.

Demand that your rights here in the United States are upheld and that our government allows you to freely practice and express your Christian beliefs. 

We must not let radical LGBT agendas meddle with our Christian faith.

Sign the petition urging the U.S. to reject the UN report and take a clear stance to protect Christian beliefs. 

By signing this petition, you are joining a movement that will profoundly impact preserving our fundamental rights and our religious liberties. 

Together, we must send a resolute message that our faith and values deserve unwavering protection.

But our influence doesn't end there – we need your help to spread the word and mobilize more supporters. Share this petition with your friends, family, and community, encouraging them to join us in this essential cause. 

Together, we can make a difference and safeguard religious freedom for current and future generations.

Join us today, and let's stand firm in our commitment to protect our religious freedom and Christian values.

224.153 hebben getekend. Laten we streven naar 500.000!

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Will you stand for Christian Rights vs. LGBT Agenda? Y/N

Government of the United States of America:

I add my name to the hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens who are voicing their deep concern about the UN Human Rights Council's proposal to integrate LGBT standards into religious practices.

The recent suspension of Tory councilor Lawal King in the UK and the ongoing trial of Paivi Rasanen in Finland serve as stark reminders of the looming dangers this report poses. 

These are not isolated incidents but reflect a concerning trend backed by the forceful LGBT and trans lobbies.

We have already rallied, amassing 500,000 signatures in opposition to this UN report. Yet, we were met with silence when we brought this to you, on the previous occasion.

In this pivotal moment, we need to know:

Where do YOU stand?

Will you protect our Christian beliefs and rights? 

Or will you side with a report that encroaches upon our fundamental right to express and practice our faith?

We need and answer now, loud and clear. We urge YOU to reject this damaging proposal. 

The people of the United States of America deserve clarity and assurance that their religious freedoms will not be infringed upon by an ideological lobby group.

Awaiting your prompt response,

[Jouw naam]

Will you stand for Christian Rights vs. LGBT Agenda? Y/N

Government of the United States of America:

I add my name to the hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens who are voicing their deep concern about the UN Human Rights Council's proposal to integrate LGBT standards into religious practices.

The recent suspension of Tory councilor Lawal King in the UK and the ongoing trial of Paivi Rasanen in Finland serve as stark reminders of the looming dangers this report poses. 

These are not isolated incidents but reflect a concerning trend backed by the forceful LGBT and trans lobbies.

We have already rallied, amassing 500,000 signatures in opposition to this UN report. Yet, we were met with silence when we brought this to you, on the previous occasion.

In this pivotal moment, we need to know:

Where do YOU stand?

Will you protect our Christian beliefs and rights? 

Or will you side with a report that encroaches upon our fundamental right to express and practice our faith?

We need and answer now, loud and clear. We urge YOU to reject this damaging proposal. 

The people of the United States of America deserve clarity and assurance that their religious freedoms will not be infringed upon by an ideological lobby group.

Awaiting your prompt response,

[Jouw naam]