Poland: Keep Standing for Life!

We support Poland in the protection of life


Poland: Keep Standing for Life!

Poland: Keep Standing for Life!

127,310 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

On October 22, 2020, the Polish Constitutional Court, in order to protect human life, ruled that eugenic abortion is unconstitutional. The effect of the Court's ruling makes it illegal to abort a disabled or ill child.

Following the Court's ruling, Poland has been subjected to massive attacks: feminist, leftist and liberal groups have staged violent protests, and the liberal press has launched an anti-life smear campaign. Abortion protesters have damaged churches and statues, and disrupted Masses. Today, their main goal is the overthrow the Polish government. There is also enormous international pressure on Poland from the European Union and other organizations, states and groupings, not to apply the Court's decision.

We, therefore, consider it necessary to express our support for Poland's patriotic and pro-life policy, for the promotion of conservative and Christian values, and for the guarantee of the right to life for all.

The anti-life lobby is trying to force the Polish government to retreat and not promulgate the Constitutional Court's ruling because if the government does not promulgate the law, it cannot take effect.

However, according to the Polish Constitution, the government is required to announce the court ruling immediately.

The pressure exerted by the liberals, feminists and pro-abortionists regarding the promulgation and implementation of the Court's decision proves that human rights, democracy and the rule of law are only important to them if they further their liberal, feminist and pro-abortionist goals.

Otherwise, they use all means available, including violence, threats, persecution and lies to get their way.

In the light of the above, we respectfully ask the Polish Government not to allow the aggressive pro-abortion lobby to get their way.

The government must not let down the most vulnerable children! They must promulgate the Constitutional Court's ruling in accordance with the Polish Constitution now!

Due to the extraordinary situation, changing minute-by-minute, we plan to deliver the list of petitioners to different Polish embassies in the coming days. So, we would appreciate your immediate support.

Let us stand by the people and leaders of Poland in protecting innocent, vulnerable lives and families.

What can organizations do?

The CitizenGO Team calls on organizations which value human dignity and the protection of life to express their support at the organizational level in addition to signing and sharing this petition for life. We recommend that you send an email or postal letter to the Polish Embassy in your country, where you express your support for Polish life and family protection measures.

127,310 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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Poland: Keep Standing for Life!

We, the undersigned, consider it important and necessary to support our Polish friends who believe in the sanctity and protection of all human life.

We call on the Polish Government not to succumb to pro-abortion pressure, not to let the most vulnerable children down, and to pronounce the verdict of the Constitutional Court immediately, in accordance with the Polish Constitution!

We believe that the lives of all people are valuable and worth protecting, no matter how old someone is, whether they live in or out of the womb, or whether they are healthy, have a disease, or have a disability.

In the latter cases, the state and society must provide even more care and protection to those affected and their families, and they must not be deprived of their right to life because of their illness or disability.

We support Poland, which boldly stands up for the protection of life, against the liberal and destructive spirit of the age, against the attacks on life.

We oppose the anti-church and anti-Christian behavior of aggressive demonstrators, the desecration of churches, the destruction of statues, the disturbance of Masses, the persecution of priests and believers, and violent and angry acts.

We know that our Polish friends are under serious attack and pressure. Because of their brave, patriotic and pro-life stance, they have fallen into the crosshairs of value-destroying networks and the liberal press. We support them in their struggle, which is at the same time our common struggle.

Again, we call on Poland, and the Polish Government, to keep standing for life!

[Your Name]

Poland: Keep Standing for Life!

We, the undersigned, consider it important and necessary to support our Polish friends who believe in the sanctity and protection of all human life.

We call on the Polish Government not to succumb to pro-abortion pressure, not to let the most vulnerable children down, and to pronounce the verdict of the Constitutional Court immediately, in accordance with the Polish Constitution!

We believe that the lives of all people are valuable and worth protecting, no matter how old someone is, whether they live in or out of the womb, or whether they are healthy, have a disease, or have a disability.

In the latter cases, the state and society must provide even more care and protection to those affected and their families, and they must not be deprived of their right to life because of their illness or disability.

We support Poland, which boldly stands up for the protection of life, against the liberal and destructive spirit of the age, against the attacks on life.

We oppose the anti-church and anti-Christian behavior of aggressive demonstrators, the desecration of churches, the destruction of statues, the disturbance of Masses, the persecution of priests and believers, and violent and angry acts.

We know that our Polish friends are under serious attack and pressure. Because of their brave, patriotic and pro-life stance, they have fallen into the crosshairs of value-destroying networks and the liberal press. We support them in their struggle, which is at the same time our common struggle.

Again, we call on Poland, and the Polish Government, to keep standing for life!

[Your Name]