URGENT: sign now to prevent abortion from being considered a "right" in Europe!

Say "NO" to Abortion in the EU Bill of Rights!


URGENT: sign now to prevent abortion from being considered a "right" in Europe!

URGENT: sign now to prevent abortion from being considered a "right" in Europe!

115,806 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

URGENT: the right to life is under attack in Europe and we have less than 24 hours to defend it!

Here's what's happening: after the historic pro-life victory in recent days with the overturning of the Roe vs Wade ruling in the USA, the pro-abortion lobby has gone on a rampage!

In just a few days, the radicals have mobilised Europe's ultra-abortion groups to push the European Parliament to vote on a motion that would (if passed) include abortion within the EU Bill of Rights and, subsequently, support its inclusion in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

They are running for cover after the historic victory in the USA in defence of the right to life. They fear that the pro-life revolution will overturn their pro-death legislation in Europe as well.

In spite of the war in Ukraine and the unprecedented energy crisis, skyrocketing fuel prices, a demographic crisis, families driven to poverty, and general uncertainty crippling the economy, the European left seems obsessed only with its pro-death agenda.

The ideology, obsession and doggedness with which pro-abortion groups carry out their battle is proof of the demonic root of abortion.

If the resolution were to pass, the consequences would be disastrous. The political idea that abortion is a 'right' would be reinforced in Europe, and our battles in defence of life would suffer.

The vote will be held on Thursday 7 July 2022 at 12.00, TOMORROW! We have less than 24 hours to stop this ultra-abortionist attack.

The lives of millions of innocent children are in your hands. Act now, before it is too late!

Sign this petition now to send a warning to all the presidents of the conservative groups in the European Parliament: abortion is not a right, indeed, the first of all rights is the right to life. Defend it by voting no to the ultra-abortionist resolution!

115,806 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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