Tell Big Tech CEOs: Stop The Censorship!

Free Speech is under assault like never before!


Tell Big Tech CEOs: Stop The Censorship!

Tell Big Tech CEOs: Stop The Censorship!

201,532 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

Big Tech conglomerates like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Pinterest have launched a worldwide crusade to censor the speech of pro-life, pro-family and pro-freedom citizens that don’t bow to their politically correct ideologies.

These Big Tech companies are some of the world’s largest and most popular social media gathering places.

But they are not invincible.

If you and I stand up to the Big Tech bullies and show them that they will not only lose popular support, but they will also lose billions of Euros in profits and face steep legal penalties...

They are going to start listening. 

So please sign CitizenGO’s petition to help us put pressure on these Big Tech CEOs and insist they stop the censorship.

201,532 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

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Stop The Censorship!

Petition to: Jack Dorsey - CEO of Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder, Jeff Bezos - CEO of Amazon, Tim Cook – CEO of Apple, Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube, Sundar Pichai - CEO of Google, and Ben Silbermann – CEO of Pinterest

As you well know, your company has contributed to the rise of censoring speech that does not align with the radical Left’s agenda on life, the family, and Christian values.

Censoring speech is not only morally questionable, but goes against everything your platform claims to provide.

Free speech is an inherent right; a liberty that must be universal for all.

Every user of your platform deserves the right to be patriotic, have Christian views, or disagree with policies made by their government and popular culture without being censored by the platform.

Please respect the rights of your users and stop censoring free speech!

[Your Name]

Stop The Censorship!

Petition to: Jack Dorsey - CEO of Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder, Jeff Bezos - CEO of Amazon, Tim Cook – CEO of Apple, Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube, Sundar Pichai - CEO of Google, and Ben Silbermann – CEO of Pinterest

As you well know, your company has contributed to the rise of censoring speech that does not align with the radical Left’s agenda on life, the family, and Christian values.

Censoring speech is not only morally questionable, but goes against everything your platform claims to provide.

Free speech is an inherent right; a liberty that must be universal for all.

Every user of your platform deserves the right to be patriotic, have Christian views, or disagree with policies made by their government and popular culture without being censored by the platform.

Please respect the rights of your users and stop censoring free speech!

[Your Name]