Delegates at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 67
Stop the United Nations from corrupting our children at CSW67
Stop the United Nations from corrupting our children at CSW67
The UN is about to convene the 67th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) from March 6th to 17th, and the call to fight back against their proposed radical agenda is more crucial than ever before.
The UN is outright against us … because we are preaching the truth! They know that what we say is right … that there exists no right to end an innocent life, that boys cannot be girls and girls cannot be boys, that men and women are defined by their biology and not a made-up ideology … all these things that so lividly offend the radical leftist institutions.
So what do they do? They try to ban us, silence us, censor us, and have even called us terrorists!
They have been conspiring to try and make sure the only narrative heard is the one that supports limitless abortions and propagates radical LGBT propaganda.
We are about to face a momentous battle. And that's why we need your help in this upcoming operational fight from within.
This month, the UN is about to convene the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and the call to fight back against their radicalism and attacks on the traditional family and life is more crucial than ever before.
In the draft of the negotiation document that we have been thoroughly assessing at CitizenGO, the Commission, in reference to conclusions that were not formally adopted as binding commitments like the Beijing Declaration, the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), and other summits, suggests that abortion, sexualization of children, gender ideology are all things that should be inherently promoted.
The UN aims to advance so-called “Comprehensive Sexuality Education,” or CSE, which focuses on indoctrinating children with explicit and immoral content, including explicit sexualization, LGBT propaganda, and lies about what defines a man and a woman.
Amongst many things, CSE even endorses practices such as promiscuity, teaching masturbation to 4-year-old children, and abnormal acts, as well as early sexual initiation that are harmful to children and youth.
From the age of four, the guidance proposes teaching children that gender is a social construct and teaching them to “appreciate their own gender identity and demonstrate respect for the gender identity of others” from the age of nine.
Included also in the objectives of the CSE is teaching children about various types of “non-traditional families” and a heavy emphasis on LGBT rights. UNESCO unashamedly touts its approach as “evidence-informed.”
The pro-family voice is being battered, and it is time we stand up for it!
Sign this petition asking the diplomats, government delegates, and all negotiators at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women to scrap the paragraphs that recognize abortion as a right and push for ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ (CSE).
Thus, with your help, our goal at CitizenGO in the upcoming CSW is a clear one. We are working tirelessly alongside other pro-life, pro-family groups to impact the final resolution of the Commission.
The current UN Agency-wide approach to sexuality education is a clear danger to children! We know just how important it is to fight every paragraph in the draft text that poses such abhorrent dangers to our children.
It is critical we don’t let this happen!
We know that anything passed at this UN Commission can easily serve as a basis for globalist agents to expand the gender, sexualization, and abortion agenda in the world. We know just how important it is to fight every paragraph in the draft text.
Commission on the Status of Women 2023 site:
UN Chair calls for Introduction of sex education in schools (The Nation)
Comprehensive Sexuality Education