The UN “Thought Police” want to control your freedom

Sign the petition now to reject UNESCO's plan to dictate what we can or cannot say!


The UN “Thought Police” want to control your freedom

The UN “Thought Police” want to control your freedom

305,803 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

As we wish one another a happy and prosperous New Year, the UN globalists have been quietly devising plans to make 2024 a miserable one for people like you and me.

Did you really think the globalists would take a break for Christmas?

Well, CitizenGO has just uncovered their startling plot. 

While you and I were busy celebrating the Christmas holidays, UNESCO, a major UN agency, slyly launched an alarming plan – one that strikes at the very heart of our freedoms. 

The plan, called ‘Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms,’ outlines a 'set of duties, responsibilities, and roles for States, digital platforms, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, media’, etc., to deal with 'dis- and misinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories.'

They want you to believe, with a lot of fancy talk, that this is just another well-meaning global plan to protect you. Trust me, nothing could be further from the truth.

This is a direct attack on free speech, targeting those of us who challenge the Globalists’ views on gender, abortion, vaccinations, family values, and Christianity.

The same UN that pushes for a global pandemic accord to control your health decisions or that upholds that religious freedom is less important than the promotion of LGBT ideology - they will now be deciding what you can or can’t read, post, and share!

Will you sign the petition today urging the Taoiseach and Tánaiste to stand against UNESCO's plan of global censorship?

At CitizenGO, we're ready to stand up against this globalist and far-left conspiracy, just like we're fighting the Pandemic Treaty and other threats to your freedom and mine. Step one in our plan:

Let's rally together to amass over 500,000 signatures from Ireland and across the 20 countries where we operate by January 31st. We want to generate a massive response in the shortest time and present an overwhelming opposition, ensuring the decision-makers don't forget the strong resistance to their under-the-radar plans.

The ability to freely exchange ideas and information is a cornerstone of democratic societies. 

Yet the report seeks to restrict open discourse on social media platforms and beyond under the guise of controlling the so-called “hate speech” and “false information”. 

But you and I know the real deal: to these Globalists, "hate speech" and "fake news" are just what goes against their agenda… And that’s why they need a global thought police.

Their intentions are clear:

  • If information surrounding elections is suppressed and under their control and regulation, then we know just how easily it is for them to influence and affect political outcomes.

  • Second - public health measures - are you surprised? After a year of fighting off the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the UN is now getting its hands on yet another weapon to dictate your health choices.

  • And last but not least … “incitement to discrimination”, also known as “hate speech”... In other words, anything that goes against their agenda in topics like gender ideology, abortion, and Christian opinions in such matters!

You will recall how a number of our own campaigners at CitizenGO –like Caroline Farrow in England, Anne Kioko in Nigeria, and now Eduard Pröls in Germany– have been prosecuted and charged for publicly expressing their opinions on issues like gender ideology. 

Not to mention the outrageous prosecution of legislator Paivi Raasanen in Finland, who faced a lengthy three-year trial, risking jail time, for expressing her Christian views online.

And so many others like her in the last few years, including the McArthur Family of Ashers Baking Company in Ulster and Enoch Burke in the Republic!**

Don’t forget, all of the above have faced persecution (and, some, even jail) for what authorities now deem as so-called “hate speech”.

The aim of this new report is to propose measures to identify and limit what it considers "disinformation” and “hate speech”. 

Just imagine how much more normalised it will be to persecute Christian voices if what is set out in this report is implemented.

Once again, it is up to us to get in the way of this and do everything possible to expose it for what it is - a totalitarian, overreaching attempt at global censorship, that directly restricts our fundamental rights to express our beliefs.

Help us reach 500,000 signatures before January 31st! Let’s halt this UN plot together:

Sign the petition now to reject UNESCO's plan to dictate what we can or cannot say!

Your signature will help send a powerful message to the UN agency, as we try and do everything to topple anything that comes out of this latest report.

The UNESCO report Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms indicates a move towards increased censorship and control over digital conversations.

This means the suppression of views and information that are contrary to the narratives approved by UNESCO or its collaborating governments and corporations.

So essentially, they decide on the information exchange taking place and dictate what we can or can’t say and think online. This isn't just shaping public opinion - it's a dangerous move to force a single ideology, crushing diverse thoughts and beliefs in its wake.

Contrary to the Irish Constitution, which firmly protects free speech and press, UNESCO references several international "human rights" frameworks to determine what speech to restrict.

Make no mistake, these types of reports coming out of UN agencies are very relevant!

They are used as frameworks, later to be pushed onto national governments. We’ve seen for ourselves how dangerous UN customary international law can become. 

And the most alarming part? UNESCO isn’t acting in isolation - they plan to collaborate with governments and corporations across the globe to implement this censorship regime… like a Global Thought Police! 

The report itself stipulates how it will work with governments to target a range of speech forms, while ostensibly promoting their own ideological goals. 

As the year kicks off, and we are distracted getting back into our daily routines, the UN will do everything in its power to put this regulatory framework into effect.

That is why it is up to us to stand up for our values again. Because what is at stake is our right to speak freely about crucial issues - including our faith!

We can't let this happen: please help us gather 500,000 signatures before the end of January to deliver the checkmate against the UN's thought police:

Join us in sending a powerful message. Sign our petition urging the Taoiseach and Tánaiste to stand against UNESCO's attempt to control and censor our online speech.


Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms (UNESCO)

Inside the UN Plan to Control Speech Online (The Epoch Times)

Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online (AMAC)

** While slightly different in the respect that this petition refers to online thought police, we can see how at-risk Christians have become when they express their beliefs in any public forum. Also, we realise Enoch Burke's story is complicated by some of his actions, but his troubles began as a result of expressing his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

305,803 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

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Protect our freedom of Speech from the UN "Thought Police"

I'm reaching out urgently to express my deep concerns about UNESCO's new "Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms."

This report is more than just troubling—it's outright wrong in how it wants to control what we say and share online.

Let's call it what it is: a sneaky way to slap censorship on us and clamp down on what we can talk about. It's a huge overstep that hits right at the heart of our freedom to speak up and access information.

It's a sad joke that UNESCO, which should be championing education and cultural freedoms, is now backing rules that could be twisted to shut down different opinions and choke off real conversation. The way they're vague about what counts as "misinformation" and "hate speech" leaves the door wide open for abuse, messing with the whole idea of free debate, and, ultimately, chilling free speech.

And, the report's idea for governments and companies to team-up in controlling what we see online? That is a gigantic red flag. It's not just about keeping information honest—it's a clear path to political and business bigwigs deciding what we can and can't say on a global scale.

I urge you to reject the UNESCO report. You must not be complicit in eroding the fundamental rights of free speech and expression in Ireland.

[Your Name]

Protect our freedom of Speech from the UN "Thought Police"

I'm reaching out urgently to express my deep concerns about UNESCO's new "Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms."

This report is more than just troubling—it's outright wrong in how it wants to control what we say and share online.

Let's call it what it is: a sneaky way to slap censorship on us and clamp down on what we can talk about. It's a huge overstep that hits right at the heart of our freedom to speak up and access information.

It's a sad joke that UNESCO, which should be championing education and cultural freedoms, is now backing rules that could be twisted to shut down different opinions and choke off real conversation. The way they're vague about what counts as "misinformation" and "hate speech" leaves the door wide open for abuse, messing with the whole idea of free debate, and, ultimately, chilling free speech.

And, the report's idea for governments and companies to team-up in controlling what we see online? That is a gigantic red flag. It's not just about keeping information honest—it's a clear path to political and business bigwigs deciding what we can and can't say on a global scale.

I urge you to reject the UNESCO report. You must not be complicit in eroding the fundamental rights of free speech and expression in Ireland.

[Your Name]