The European Parliament intends to declare abortion as a "right"

Reject the Matic report


The European Parliament intends to declare abortion as a "right"

The European Parliament intends to declare abortion as a "right"

419,719 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

On June 7 the European Parliament votes on the so-called "Matic Report" where among other things abortion is defined as a "human right."

The report has the official title "The situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU from the perspective of women's health."

The most serious aspect of the report is that it considers abortion as a "human right" and advocates for abortion without any restriction:

The report “calls for the removal of barriers” to access abortion like "waiting periods", "the denial of medical care based on personal beliefs", "counseling" or any "third party authorization".

Moreover, abortion - as well as health care - is a matter of exclusive jurisdiction of the member states and the European Union has no jurisdiction over it.

If the Matic Report is adopted, it would be not only a gross interference into the sovereignty of member states but also the imposition of abortion-on-demand policies without any restrictions. The recent Polish ban on eugenic abortion, for example, would be put on hold if abortion is considered a human right.

But abortion is not the only contentious issue in this controversial report. Here is a summary of the highlights:

  • The Matic Report calls for the abolition of the right to conscientious objection of medical personnel. The Matic Report’s goal is to make it impossible for pro-life doctors to oppose killing a human being by abortion. According to the the report, denying abortion by a doctor would be “addressed as denial of medical care”. So if a doctor said NO to abortion, this would mean the end of his career.

  • Abortion and contraception for girls “regardless of age” without parental consent .

  • LGTB and Gender indoctrination from primary school without informing or requiring parental consent. 

  • Irreversible so-called “sex change” surgeries , including for minors all paid for by public health systems.

  • Interference with the exclusive jurisdiction of the Member States over the definition and management of their domestic health systems or their national health policy choices. 

The Matic Report is probably the most aggressive project ever presented in the European Parliament.

Several groups have already taken a stand against it, but others are enthusiastically in favor. The only way to stop this radical and ideological report is for the European People's Party (supposedly center-right) to vote against it.

But the European Parliament is under intense pressure from powerful international groups to conform to the abortion agenda. CitizenGO needs your help to show them proof of a world-wide pro-life majority that is wholly opposed to abortion-on-demand and encourage the People’s Party members of parliament to reject the pro-abortion pressure.

We have targeted the undecided People’s Party Members of the European Parliament and are sending them a clear message to vote against. By signing this campaign you will be sending an email to those undecided MEPs. 

For more information:

Matic Report: 

Analysis of Matic Report from Political Network for Values:

419,719 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

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Vote NO to the Matic report

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

I am writing to you with concern after learning the details of the Matic Report that will be debated in the plenary session of the European Parliament in June 2021.

The report interferes with the exclusive jurisdiction of the Member States over the definition and management of their domestic health systems or their national health policy choices, as laid down in Article 168, paragraph 7 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). 

It disregards the right to conscientious objection, in contradiction to, among other things, Resolution 1763 (2010) – The right to conscientious objection in lawful medical care, adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

It also attempts to introduce the recognition of a "right to abortion," although no such right exists, nor can it be derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

On the contrary, since the 1994 Cairo Conference, States have committed themselves to “reduce the recourse to abortion” and to “take appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion.”

And, most importantly, every abortion ends an innocent human life.

Therefore, I ask you to vote NO to the report that has no legal basis and seriously damages the fundamental rights enshrined in the EU Charter.

[Your Name]

Vote NO to the Matic report

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

I am writing to you with concern after learning the details of the Matic Report that will be debated in the plenary session of the European Parliament in June 2021.

The report interferes with the exclusive jurisdiction of the Member States over the definition and management of their domestic health systems or their national health policy choices, as laid down in Article 168, paragraph 7 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). 

It disregards the right to conscientious objection, in contradiction to, among other things, Resolution 1763 (2010) – The right to conscientious objection in lawful medical care, adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

It also attempts to introduce the recognition of a "right to abortion," although no such right exists, nor can it be derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

On the contrary, since the 1994 Cairo Conference, States have committed themselves to “reduce the recourse to abortion” and to “take appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion.”

And, most importantly, every abortion ends an innocent human life.

Therefore, I ask you to vote NO to the report that has no legal basis and seriously damages the fundamental rights enshrined in the EU Charter.

[Your Name]