Protect Pre-Born Children at The U.N.

Petition to: United Nations


Protect Pre-Born Children at The U.N.

Protect Pre-Born Children at The U.N.

161,975 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

The 63rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is taking place in New York between the 11th and 22nd March. Whilst there are women and girls (and boys and men) who are deprived of nutrition, basic healthcare, clean water and education, and taking positive steps to address this problem is highly commendable, a number of actors are pushing for ever easier abortion access across the globe. They do this by attempting to insert certain words and phrases in UN documents to which appeal can later be made, thereby justifying moves to implement various pro-abortion policies.

The phrase of choice for abortion is "sexual and reproductive rights". Many NGOs and representatives of Member states are keen to force abortion on those nations - largely in the Middle East and Africa - which largely prohibit it.

Whilst many at the UN rightly decry the lack of educational opportunities for many girls across the world, significant money, time and effort is instead put into expanding access to abortion across the globe.

Given the prevalence of certain other NGOs and some of the proposals from previous years, it is likely that gender ideology will also be promoted. Not only do abortion and gender ideology present a false picture of reality, they are also firmly rejected by many African and Middle Eastern nations - perhaps by withholding aid or reducing trade. This international body should not be forcing its regressive ideology upon them.

Finding solutions to eradicate poverty and hunger, improve health and education, and produce clean water are among the vital needs of women and girls in less fortunate nations, yet for some at the UN they appear to be taking a backseat.

Sadly the CSW risks sullying its good work by trying to promote abortion.

We will be sending three campaigners from CitizenGO to the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women to participate in the negotiations. We need an army of pro-lifers to sign this petition so we can use it as a negotiating tool.

And, as always, that's where you come in! By signing this petition, we will use your voice to demand the removal of language which can be used to promote the destruction of human life in the womb and demand instead that they promote real solutions for women and girls: nutrition, clean water, healthcare, and education.

161,975 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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Women and Girls Need Real Help - Not Abortion

I ask you, as a delegate of the UK to the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women to use the resources available to the UN and do all within your power, to ensure that food and water, basic medical care and education is available so far as possible for women and girls throughout the world, and especially for those living in the most deprived countries.

There is broad consensus on these issues.

"Ensure the affordability of health-care services through universal health coverage that includes universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights..." (Draft Agreed Conclusions) Sexual and reproductive health is a highly ambiguous and loaded phrase often used to mean abortion and the promotion thereof. There is no consensus on this issue particularly for many African and Middle Eastern states. Furthermore, I fundamentally reject that it is the role of the UN to attempt to force the practice of abortion onto countries that do not want it.

Therefore, I demand that all language which supports abortion (and any other ideology) be removed from any documents produced by the CSW.

[Your Name]

Women and Girls Need Real Help - Not Abortion

I ask you, as a delegate of the UK to the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women to use the resources available to the UN and do all within your power, to ensure that food and water, basic medical care and education is available so far as possible for women and girls throughout the world, and especially for those living in the most deprived countries.

There is broad consensus on these issues.

"Ensure the affordability of health-care services through universal health coverage that includes universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights..." (Draft Agreed Conclusions) Sexual and reproductive health is a highly ambiguous and loaded phrase often used to mean abortion and the promotion thereof. There is no consensus on this issue particularly for many African and Middle Eastern states. Furthermore, I fundamentally reject that it is the role of the UN to attempt to force the practice of abortion onto countries that do not want it.

Therefore, I demand that all language which supports abortion (and any other ideology) be removed from any documents produced by the CSW.

[Your Name]