Disney: My family won’t watch your LGBTQ+ films

Robert Iger, Disney’s CEO


Disney: My family won’t watch your LGBTQ+ films

Disney: My family won’t watch your LGBTQ+ films

236,463 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

Update: "As Bob Chapek is no longer the CEO of Disney, we address the campaign from now on to the new CEO Robert Iger"

The bombshell testimony by Disney Executives and the lesbian kiss in the Lightyear movie confirmed what many of us have known for a long time: Disney, today, is a hostage of the LGBTQ+ activists committed to corrupting our children through indoctrination. 

They don’t care about making our children’s dreams real, as long as Bob Chapek (the CEO) and his team are making money. But we have the power to change that. 

Disney cares about the income coming from its films and products… And, in reality, Disney's movie 'Lightyear' flopped in its first weekend in theaters, earning $51.7 million in the US, far from the 120 million of Toy Story 4 and the 110 million of Toy Story 3. Furthermore, revenue from its second weekend dropped by 65% (another new low). 

We, you and me, plus thousands of parents around the world, are winning the battle CitizenGO began against Disney three years ago: over the course of just a year, Disney stock has plummeted nearly 50 percent as their political-infused productions continue to turn away audiences and garner angry fan reactions. 

Disney’s executives are panicking and that’s why we need your help to push forward NOW against the company. Imagine how much power we will have if we send a massive pledge to Disney’s CEO, committing not to watch any Disney movies or shows or buy any product that promotes gender ideology: 

Sign the pledge and tell Disney’s CEO to stop polluting children with LGBTQ+ indoctrination, and join the campaign today. 

The fact is that they think we are ‘idiots.’ Chris Evans, the actor playing Lightyear thinks that those of us who are not ok with this indoctrination are ‘idiots.’ 

Before the earnings drop on the opening weekend, Disney’s corporate president Karey Burke says she would like to see 50% of characters as LGBTQ+.

In response to several countries recently announcing they would be banning Lightyear from cinemas due to its “violation of their country’s media content standard” (in short, the inclusion of LGBTQ+ ideology) the film’s producer, Galyn Susman, stated that the lesbian kiss wouldn’t be cut, adding: 

“It’s great we are a part of something that’s making steps forward in the social inclusion capacity, but it’s frustrating there are still places that aren’t where they should be.”

That arrogance shows better than anything that this slippery slope isn't going to end well for Disney… And you and I will take action to avoid them getting away with it. 

The truth is that the Walt Disney Co. that we grew to know and love is dead. 

Disney is quickly becoming the new political arm for the leftist movement of promoting the LGBTQ+ agenda and gender theory to children. The crazy thing is… they still want your money. That’s why we need to mobilize our boycott now. It is more than just another boycott but the power behind our political action:

Sign the pledge NOW addressed to Robert Iger, Disney’s CEO: my family won’t watch your films nor buy your products designed to promote LGBTQ+ indoctrination and to corrupt children’s innocence.

Disney’s newfound bravery in activism comes after Florida passed a law to protect children 10-years old and younger from learning the harmful sexual orientation and gender theory indoctrination from rouge teachers in schools. 

The bill causing Disney’s reaction merely states that kids from kindergarten through the third grade don’t need sex-ed lessons or gender-identity preaching when they’re supposed to be learning the ABCs and how to add.

As a result, Disney CEO Robert Iger and some of his most vocal staffers lead the charge, and they are not shy about hiding their goals. Disney's allies, the leftist media, quickly applauded them for including a homosexual “married” couple (with a gay kiss) in what many expected to be the most profitable movie of the year, the Toy Story runoff, Lightyear. 

But it wasn’t… In fact, it flopped!

And you can contribute to making them lose revenue every minute—with CEO Robert Iger personally losing credibility and support.

Please join to send Disney a message it can't ignore.

Disney will act when its bottom line is at risk. We need to come together to show them that being agents of the LGBTQ+ indoctrination worldwide, turning their films into propaganda, is coming at the expense of harming our children and corrupting their innocence.

Please, sign the pledge NOW to send a clear message to the Disney company -- stop promoting the political activism of the radical left's LGBTQ+ agenda or lose our money.


Disney Stock Has Tumbled Nearly 50 Percent as Audiences Turn Away (Red State)

Disney's Lightyear FLOPS in opening weekend that saw it fail to topple Jurassic Park at box office after controversy over lesbian kiss and decision to ax conservative star Tim Allen as voice of Buzz (Mail Online)

‘Lightyear’ flop is a sign audiences are weary of Hollywood wokeness (New York Post)

‘Lightyear' star Chris Evans calls critics of on-screen representation 'idiots' (Reuters)

236,463 have signed. Let's get to 500,000!

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My family won’t watch your LGBTQ+ films

To: Robert Iger, Disney’s CEO

My family won’t watch your films nor buy your products designed to promote LGBTQ+ indoctrination and to corrupt children’s innocence.

[Your Name]

My family won’t watch your LGBTQ+ films

To: Robert Iger, Disney’s CEO

My family won’t watch your films nor buy your products designed to promote LGBTQ+ indoctrination and to corrupt children’s innocence.

[Your Name]