CitizenGO USA

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CitizenGO USA  

Our children, the most vulnerable members of our society, are being conned into irreversible procedures that alter their bodies and lives forever. 

La administración Biden ha llevado a la Corte de Apelaciones su pretensión de que los servicios de Urgencias de Texas practicaran abortos. ¡Escribe ahora a los jueces!

Driven by your support, CitizenGO is fighting tooth and nail in trying to halt the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty. Unfortunately, we cannot lower our guard yet...

Photo: President Joe Biden delivers remarks on vaccination program on August 23, 2021, in Washington, DC (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Senator Joe Manchin made a commitment this weekend. He pledged to vote NO to Biden's Build Back Better spending plan.

Your signature is needed to help fill the Supreme Court of the United States’ vacancy with a reliable pro-life and pro-family voice.

Sign our petition to advocate for Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Chinese local authorities regularly pressure Christian Chinese to renounce their faith.

We, therefore, call on the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne to cooperate with other countries and draw up a package of sanctions, which will be imposed if China does not stop religiously persecuting its own citizens.

Parents beware. Netflix has done it again. 

Another offensive, viral movie akin to 50 Shades of Grey, is currently the fourth most-watched program on Netflix UK and the third most-watched on Netflix US.

Even following the very public release of Asia Bibi, Christian are being openly persecuted by the Pakistani government for following their faith.

Examples of this persecution are being widely reported in media outlets and verified through information we receive from other non-profits.

Abortion activists worldwide are working on a new and terrible plan.

Home abortion.

They have already coordinated to launch this idea in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom… with, no doubt, more countries soon to follow.

Sign our petition to send encouragement to the works of MyPillow and CEO Mike Lindell.

It’s been a few days, and the leftist in our media won’t let it go. 

For decades Chick-fil-A has faced incredible cultural persecution for holding Christians values. They’ve been picketed, protested, slandered, and even vandalized by LGBTQ activists.

On Friday, June 28, Amazon stopped selling books that describe methods to heal homosexuality or suppress unwanted same-sex desires.

Amazon censored the following titles, among others: 

A family in Michigan is being bullies by their local community for practicing and expressing their faith.

The Tollgate Woods HOA demands that the Samona family remove their small statue of the Virgin Mary or face fines or legal action.

Sign this petition to defend the Samona family.

September 2021 UPDATE: 

Once again, Disney is promoting LGBTQ agenda in children’s cartoons. Disney executives took the beloved fairy tale Cinderella in the Muppet Babies show and turned the princess into a male character who puts on a dress, pretending to be a female.

Sign the petition against language in the Human Rights Resolution that pushes abortion, the LGBT agenda, and gender ideology.

A court has ordered that a mother with a learning disability who is 22 weeks pregnant must have an abortion. The woman is understood to be in her 20s and has been diagnosed with a moderately severe learning disability.

Unplanned is a powerful new blockbuster film that chronicles the life of Abby Johnson, a former abortion clinic director whose life and career were turned upside-down by what she saw one day in her clinic.

"'Unplanned' is my story, and you can't unsee it." - Abby Johnson

Last week, Gabby Helsinger was suspended by Lebanon Public High School in Ohio. Why? Because she posted Bible verses around her high school campus.

Precisamos de sua ajuda para impedir que a ONU continue promovendo aborto, orientação sexual e identidade de gênero, bem como um currículo de educação sexual que ensina meninas de três anos a se masturbar e a explorar sua sexualidade.

Assine esta petição, que será apresentada na 63ª sessão da Comissão sobre Status das Mulheres na ONU.