Recite Hollywoodu: Izrugivanje Isusu u filmu 'Habit' je neprihvatljivo!



Recite Hollywoodu: Izrugivanje Isusu u filmu 'Habit' je neprihvatljivo!

Recite Hollywoodu: Izrugivanje Isusu u filmu 'Habit' je neprihvatljivo!

576.349 haben unterzeichnet. Lassen Sie uns 1.000.000 erreichen!

Potpišite peticiju Donovanu Leitchu, i kompanijama: 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight i Elevated Films za otkazivanje distribucije filma “Habit”.

Hollywood priprema još jedan film u kojem izruguje Isusa.

Prema najavama, Isusa Krista prikazanog kao ženu koja vodi homoseksualni i promiskuitetni životni stil glumi Paris Jackson, sin Michaela Jacksona.

Glavna glumica Bella Thorne glumi snalažljivu dilericu sa seksualnim fetišem prema Isusu. Do zapleta dolazi kad se Thorne, pokušavajući izbjeći posljedice dilanja preruši u časnu sestru.

Film se trenutno nalazi u u post-produkciji a početak distribucije još nije najavljen.

Zato ovom peticijom želimo stvoriti pritisak na kompanije koje produciraju film i poslali poruku Hollywoodu o tome da ga smatramo neprihvatljivim!  

Svi potpisi ove peticije usmjereni su na Donovana Leitcha i kompanije: 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight i Elevated Films.

Potpišite peticiju!

Tekst peticije:

Pišem vam zbog zabrinjavajućih vijesti kako vaša kompanija producira film “Habit” koji je prema svim najavama duboko uvredljiv za moju i vjeru milijardi kršćana i svih osoba koje poštuju vjerska uvjerenja svojih sugrađana širom svijeta.

Groteskni način prikazivanja Isusa Krista u ime umjetničke slobode je uvredljiv i za one koji ne priznaju Isusovo božanstvo, no štuju ga kao važnu povijesnu ličnost. To uključuje i milijardu muslimana diljem svijeta.

Poštujem vašu slobodu da napravite takav film, međutim duboko sam razočaran(a) vašim nepoštovanjem vjerskih osjećaja i ismijavanjem vjerskih uvjerenja.  Iskorištavajući pojam umjetničke slobode zapravo namjerno vrijeđate i izrugujete kršćane. Iskreno se nadam da ćete odustati od distribucije ovog filma iz poštovanja prema dubokim vjerskim uvjerenjima kršćana širom svijeta.


Za više informacija:

Paris Jackson glumit će Isusa u sljedećem filmu Belle Thorne ‘Habit’

Bella Thorne glumi u filmu ‘Habit’, producenta ‘Mudbounda’

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Petition: Mockery of Jesus in movie Habit is unacceptable

To: Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, and Elevated Films.

I’m writing to you because I just heard the disturbing news that your company is producing a film 'Habit' that from all reports I find deeply offensive to my faith and to the beliefs of billions of Christians around the globe and everybody that respects beliefs of their fellow citizens.

Such a grotesque representation of Jesus Christ in the name of 'artistic liberty' in its portrayal of Jesus Christ is profoundly disrespectful even for those outside of the Christian faith who deny Christ’s deity but revere him as an important historical figure. This includes more than one billion Muslims around the world.

While I respect your freedom to create such a movie, I am deeply disappointed by your blatant disrespect and mockery of religious beliefs hidden under the guise of artistic liberty.

It is my sincere hope that you will reconsider the production and release of this film out of a respect for your fellow humans and their deeply held religious beliefs.

[Ihr Name]

Petition: Mockery of Jesus in movie Habit is unacceptable

To: Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, and Elevated Films.

I’m writing to you because I just heard the disturbing news that your company is producing a film 'Habit' that from all reports I find deeply offensive to my faith and to the beliefs of billions of Christians around the globe and everybody that respects beliefs of their fellow citizens.

Such a grotesque representation of Jesus Christ in the name of 'artistic liberty' in its portrayal of Jesus Christ is profoundly disrespectful even for those outside of the Christian faith who deny Christ’s deity but revere him as an important historical figure. This includes more than one billion Muslims around the world.

While I respect your freedom to create such a movie, I am deeply disappointed by your blatant disrespect and mockery of religious beliefs hidden under the guise of artistic liberty.

It is my sincere hope that you will reconsider the production and release of this film out of a respect for your fellow humans and their deeply held religious beliefs.

[Ihr Name]