CitizenGO Europe

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CitizenGO Europe  

Die EU-Kommission plant eine Verordnung, die alle EU-Länder zwingen soll, sowohl gleichgeschlechtliche Elternschaft als auch Leihmutterschaft anzuerkennen, selbst wenn dies ihren eigenen Gesetzen widerspricht. 

The Abortion Bill passed through the Seanad on Thursday night, with only a few of the proposed 350 amendments included. Indeed, the Bill remains essentially unchanged and, therefore, if signed into law, will give Ireland a radically liberal abortion regime.

'X Factor Malta' is a talent-contest programme which is locally produced by, and, shown on, TVM, Malta's public service TV broadcaster. TVM is part of the Public Broadcasting Services, Ltd (Malta), a company which is funded by government grants, as well as commercial advertising.

The Council of Europe want to give priority to the demands of adults, rather than to the best interests and rights of the child.

Contrary to the best interests of the child, a new resolution called the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation", could require the Council of Europe to:

É oficial: a Romênia terá um Referendo para proteger o matrimônio em sua Constituição, definindo-o como a união entre um homem e uma mulher.

It's now official: Romania will vote on a referendum to constitutionally define marriage as between one man and one woman.

In Hungary, the Government have decided to stop financing Gender Studies in their universities.

They decided that public funding should no longer support an ideology which opposes both common sense and the common good, and which forces society to conform itself to a wrong-headed notion of human nature.

Condemned for the serial buggery of a boy, an adviser of UNICEF, Peter Newell, was the key figure in the creation of many international "standards" in the field of "child protection". Sign a petition asking EU Member States to erase his "legacy", so as to ensure the protection of our families and the national security of each EU Member State, from the international "standards" which he created.

Recent revelations have shown that the process of member selection for the Citizens' Assembly, which the RED C polling company uses to choose members of the public "at random", is actually wide-open to abuse and could have compromised all of the recommendations of the body, to-date.

Over a year ago, we were alarmed about an increasingly serious problem related to gender ideology in sport.

Unfortunately, the rules of the International Olympic Committee still allow a man to compete in a woman's competition if his testosterone level for the last 12 months does not exceed 10 nanomoles per liter.

King Michael of Romania - the country's last monarch - has passed away. (+RIP)

Aged 96, King Michael died of a cancer-related illness at his residence in Switzerland, on Tuesday.

This "book of prayers and condolences" will be sent to the Romanian Royal Family - including Princess Margareta, who will now receive the title of Queen.

In Belgium, the Red Cross has ordered the local branches to remove the crucifixes which now adorn the premises of its local branches. The organisation claims to be doing so in the name of impartiality and neutrality...

But, many volunteers of the association have expressed their disagreement, within the local branches.

Kultureller Imperialismus scheint der Weg zu sein, den die EU bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den Staaten Lateinamerikas anstrebt:

Vor kurzem wurde bekannt, dass das Handelsabkommen, über das die Europäische Kommission derzeit mit dem Mercosur (einer Gruppe lateinamerikanischer Staaten, der Argentinien, Brasilien, Paraguay und Uruguay angehören) verhandelt, eine Klausel enthält, die alle Parteien verpflichtet, "ein wirksames Gender Mainstreaming zu fördern"...

The European Union demands imposing "effective gender mainstreaming" on Latin American countries, if they want to be party to a free trade agreement with the EU. Reject this form of cultural imperialism!

17,000 women and 668 babies are in Turkish prisons on remand. A baby in pre-trial detention? This situation violates the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Protest it! #Free668babies

It is a scandal that should shake the world: Shiite parties in Iraq want to allow the marriage of girls from the age of nine!

Why is this an issue???

Shiite MPs have proposed an amendment to the Iraqi Parliament, to change the Personal Status Law, No. 188, which has been in force since 1959. Among other things, this draft, drawn up by a Shiite law school, aims to reduce the minimum age for marrying girls to nine years...

Vor wenigen Tagen hat der französische Staatsrat (Conseil d’État) eine gravierende Verfügung erlassen: von dem Denkmal, das der bretonische Ort Ploërmel im Jahr 2006 zur Erinnerung an den polnischen Papst Johannes Paul II. auf einem öffentlichen Platz errichtet hat, muss das Kreuz entfernt werden.

Quer durch Europa wächst, nicht nur unter Katholiken, die Empörung über diese Gerichtsentscheidung, bei der sich der Conseil d’État auf das strenge französische Säkularismusgesetz von 1905 beruft...

Last week, the Supreme Administrative Court in France (the French Council of State) ordered a cross to be removed from the memorial of Pope John Paul II, located in a public square in Brittany, in the village of Ploërmel.

This decision shook the whole of Europe, and not just Catholics.

Last year, we learned about the story of a brave Polish doctor fighting for physicians in Norway to exercise their right to freedom of conscience, in their work. Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz has been fighting, for herself and for other doctors to have this fundamental right respected and vindicated by the state of Norway.

This week's International Consultation on Christian Persecution in Budapest heard from both persecuted Christians and government ministers.