Za slobodu izražavanja na Facebooku!

Peticija osnivaču Facebooka Marku Zuckerbergu


Za slobodu izražavanja na Facebooku!

Za slobodu izražavanja na Facebooku!

338.459 potpisa. Prikupimo 500.000!

Milijarder i samoprozvani filantrop George Soros i druge velike internacionalne korporacije pokušavaju prisiliti Marka Zuckerberga da na Facebooku u potpunosti ograniči slobodu govora i cenzurira bilo kakav oblik govora o pravu obitelj, na mamu i tatu, o pravu na život...

Ako uspiju u tome organizacije poput CitizenGO-a će biti eliminirane s Facebooka koji je jedna od najvećih i najpopularnijih društvenih mreža u svijetu.

Zato potpišite peticiju utemeljitelju Facebooka Marku Zuckerbergu i potaknite ga da se odupre neprekidnom pritisku i napadima radikalne ljevice koja želi cenzurirati sve svoje neistomišljenike uključujući i CitizenGO.

Korisnici Facebooka zaslužuju imati mogućnost izražavati svoje domoljubnih i vjerskih stavova kao i neslaganja s politikama vlada te društvenih trendova bez da ih se cenzurira i prijavljuje vladinim službenicima.

U Hrvatskoj smo također imali priliku svjedočiti Facebookovoj cenzuri sadržaja CitizenGO-a pa je tako jedan od naših administratora u više navrata suspendiran a postovi izbrisani:

338.459 potpisa. Prikupimo 500.000!

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Keep Facebook free from censorship!

Petition to: Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg

As you well know, Facebook has recently been under tremendous pressure to censor speech that does not align with the radical Left’s agenda.

Large multi-national corporations and even notorious billionaire George Soros are attempting to silence groups like CitizenGO.

But censoring speech is not why you founded Facebook. 

Free speech is an inherent right; a liberty that must be universal for all.  Facebook users deserve the right to be patriotic, have Biblical views, or disagree with policies made by their government and popular culture without being censored by the platform or reported to government officials.

Please respect the rights of your users to express their viewpoints, even if they differ from your own.

[Ime i prezime]

Keep Facebook free from censorship!

Petition to: Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg

As you well know, Facebook has recently been under tremendous pressure to censor speech that does not align with the radical Left’s agenda.

Large multi-national corporations and even notorious billionaire George Soros are attempting to silence groups like CitizenGO.

But censoring speech is not why you founded Facebook. 

Free speech is an inherent right; a liberty that must be universal for all.  Facebook users deserve the right to be patriotic, have Biblical views, or disagree with policies made by their government and popular culture without being censored by the platform or reported to government officials.

Please respect the rights of your users to express their viewpoints, even if they differ from your own.

[Ime i prezime]