The Christian Film and Television Commission

Portrait de The Christian Film and Television Commission
The Christian Film and Television Commission  

Netflix has taken their freedom of speech too far, portraying Jesus in a lewd and ridiculous manner, and mocking gun owners as paranoid lunatics. Netflix is only accelerating its outrageously offensive treatment of Jesus Christ. We cannot continue to stand idly by as Jesus is mocked openly on Netflix.

During Black History Month Amazon stripped a popular documentary on conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, the only black justice currently serving on the Supreme Court, from its streaming service. 

Голливуд решил выпустить фильм, изобразив в нем Иисуса Христа в виде женщины, совершающей непристойные поступки, в которую влюблена другая женщина - главная героиня фильма. Это оскорбительно для миллионов верующих христиан и мусульман по всему миру. Подпишите международное обращение, требующее отказаться от выпуска этого кощунственного фильма.

Por favor, ajude-nos na luta contra esse filme desrespeitoso, pedindo que Donovan Leitch e as empresas 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight e Elevated Films não lancem o filme "Hábito".

Hollywood dichiara apertamente guerra al cristianesimo!

Vi preghiamo di aiutarci nella lotta contro questo film irrispettoso e blasfemo, sollecitando Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, e Elevated Films a fermare l'uscita del film "Habit".

Foto: Paris Jackson als 'Jezus Christus'; bron: Janell Shirtcliff (regisseur 'Habit')

Prosimy o pomoc i podpis pod petycją o niedopuszczenie do dystrybucji filmu „Habit”.

Hollywood przygotowuje kolejny film, w którym mamy do czynieni z bluźnierstwami i drwiną z Jezusa Chrystusa. Tym razem ma być On przedstawiony jako kobieta rozwiązła, angażująca się w związki lesbijskie.

Prosím, pomôžte nám bojovať proti urážlivému obsahu výzvou pre produkčnú spoločnosť Silver Heart Productions na zastavenie vydania filmu „Zvyk“.

Hollywood está a punto de estrenar una película altamente blasfema. En 'Habit', Jesucristo será ‘encarnado’ por una mujer, París Jackson, hija del fallecido Michael Jackson, que además mantiene una especia de relación romántica con una chica de la calle disfrazada de monja

Please help us in the fight against this disrespectful and blasphemous movie by urging Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, and Elevated Films stop the release of the "Habit" film.

Please help us in the fight against this disrespectful and blasphemous movie by urging Silver Heart Productions to stop the release of the "Habit" film.

Please help us in the fight against this disrespectful and blasphemous movie by urging Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, and Elevated Films stop the release of the "Habit" film.

Please help us in the fight against this disrespectful and blasphemous movie by urging Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, and Elevated Films stop the release of the "Habit" film.

Please help us in the fight against this disrespectful and blasphemous movie by urging Donovan Leitch, 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight, and Elevated Films stop the release of the "Habit" film.

Potpišite peticiju Donovanu Leitchu, i kompanijama: 852 Films, Martingale Pictures, Voltage Pictures, Cloudlight i Elevated Films za otkazivanje distribucije filma “Habit”.

Hollywood priprema još jedan film u kojem izruguje Isusa.

On Tuesday, February 12th, TBS premiered a new comedy series called Miracle Workers. The show is based on the book What In God’s Name by Simon Rich. Rich is also the showrunner for Miracle Workers. 

UPDATE: 07/31/2018 - Netflix's Assault on Life and the Family

Instead of responding to our concerns about their programming, Netflix has continued an all out assault on life and the family. 

UPDATE: 07/31/2018 - Netflix's Assault on Life and the Family

Instead of responding to our concerns about their programming, Netflix has continued an all out assault on life and the family. 

GQ magazine has reached a new low. On April 21st, the publication released an article listing the “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.” The list included titles like Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and The Lord of the Rings.

GQ magazine has reached a new low. On April 21st, the publication released an article listing the “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.” The list included titles like Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and The Lord of the Rings.