Home School Legal Defense Association

Romanian Government is Persecuting Homeschoolers They Need our help!
Het IJslandse basisonderwijs gaat hard achteruit. Een derde van de IJslandse jongemannen is analfabeet na tien jaar onderwijs.
Iceland’s primary school system is rapidly deteriorating. A third of Iceland’s young men are illiterate after ten years of study, and one in ten fourteen year old girls worries about being bullied in school.
What should have been a happy homecoming to Norway for Leif and Terese Kristiansen turned into a parent’s worst nightmare when the Barnevernet (Norway’s child welfare agency) brutall
What should have been a happy homecoming to Norway for Leif and Terese Kristiansen turned into a parent’s worst nightmare when the Barnevernet (Norway’s child welfare agency) brutall
What should have been a happy homecoming to Norway for Leif and Terese Kristiansen turned into a parent’s worst nightmare when the Barnevernet (Norway’s child welfare agency) brutally removed their son, Kai, after they
Brazil's highest court is about to determine whether homeschooling is permitted under their federal constitution. This ruling will have dramatic implications for parents who wish to freely direct the educational and moral instruction of their children.
El régimen cubano ha encarcelado al pastor Ramón Rigal y a su mujer Adya por educar a sus hijos en casa. Escribe a la embajada de Cuba en Washington y pide su inmediata liberación
The Wunderlich family has been seeking peace and justice for a more than a decade. And now in 2017, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has a chance to grant it.
Cuban Pastor Ramón Rigal has been sentenced to a year of hard labor by the Cuban authori
RESOLVED: STOP Unconstitutional Vaccine Requirements That Compel Speech and Threaten Parental Rights
UPDATE: Colorado Agency backs down. CDPHE has changed the fo