Pledge Your Support to Investigate the EPF!

Pledge to: European Parliament Chairs Raphaël Glucksmann and Evelyn Régner


Pledge Your Support to Investigate the EPF!

Pledge Your Support to Investigate the EPF!

141,995 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

Your signed pledge is more than a statement of support to expose the EPF’s illicit actions taken to attack your CitizenGO.

It is a call to the Chairs of the European Parliament hearing to conduct their hearing fairly, not merely sit by while CitizenGO’s stolen documents are being used as a weapon against us for all the world to see.

We must demand this because, otherwise, even more, conservative organizations like CitizenGO could face these sorts of unlawful attacks.

So please sign your pledge of support to help us put pressure on the Chairs of the European Parliament hearing to investigate the EPF’s actions and conduct these hearings fairly.

141,995 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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Pledge to: European Parliament Chairs Raphaël Glucksmann and Evelyn Régner

The European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) used CitizenGO’s hacked documents to vilify their organization at the March 25th European Parliament hearing.

This was no innocent mistake, and the EPF used these illicitly obtained documents, despite CitizenGO’s lawyer’s warnings.

As Chair of these European Parliament hearings, you must protect groups like CitizenGO from being unlawfully attacked to ensure they are given a fair and non-ideological playing field.

That’s why I pledge my support to CitizenGO’s appeal to investigate the EPF’s actions and ensure your hearings are conducted fairly!

[Your Name]

Pledge to: European Parliament Chairs Raphaël Glucksmann and Evelyn Régner

The European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) used CitizenGO’s hacked documents to vilify their organization at the March 25th European Parliament hearing.

This was no innocent mistake, and the EPF used these illicitly obtained documents, despite CitizenGO’s lawyer’s warnings.

As Chair of these European Parliament hearings, you must protect groups like CitizenGO from being unlawfully attacked to ensure they are given a fair and non-ideological playing field.

That’s why I pledge my support to CitizenGO’s appeal to investigate the EPF’s actions and ensure your hearings are conducted fairly!

[Your Name]