

In the wake of an unfortunate incident in one of the Kenyan schools where a young boy used vulgar language to harass a female student in the same school, a number of disturbing discoveries have been...
Former Military Hospital doctor, Dr Jacques de Vos, has been charged by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for advising that abortion is the killing of an unborn human being. Dr...
The Kenya National Bureau of Statics (KNBS), plans to deconstruct the Kenyan social fabric by introducing a third sex in this year’s census in order to introduce the deviant ideologies of...
When the president of Kenya appoints government officials, we expect the officials to listen and represent all Kenyans without fear or favour .  Ambassador Koki Muli  who serves as the deputy ...
The Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Organization-SRHR Kenya prides itself of being an umbrella of over ten organizations and has been loud in defending Marie Stopes abortion centers when their...
Marie Stopes an International Chain of Clinics in the world have been advertising abortion on demand in Kenya and other parts of Africa. It is evident that the chain of clinics offers abortions even...